DMS for Two Wheeler Showroom

According to industry reports, India produces more than 11 million cars and commercial vehicles annually, making it the seventh-largest automaker in the world and the fourth-largest exporter in Asia. 75% of the vehicles produced are two-wheeled vehicles, and about 16% of them are passenger vehicles. Currently, this $35 billion industry provides employment to approximately 13 million people. 

The market demand of the automotive industry depends on affordability, infrastructure, and product innovation and fuel prices. With the fierce daily competition and changing market demands, key players are forced to demonstrate innovative features, reduce infrastructure costs and produce affordable, advanced design cars. 

The ERP system has the necessary functions to simplify the process and overcome most of the above challenges. This is one of the main reasons why many players in the industry implement ERP solutions. For example, APRO ERP helps the automotive industry track, analyze, and control materials, machines, labour, and costs. It also enables seamless integration of inventory, purchasing, subcontracts and accounts.

APRO has taken steps to help Indian cars computerize; this Easy Automobile proves the contribution of emerging companies. Its cost is not much, but it is very helpful in managing automotive business activities and data. In the first version, we combined all functions to meet the needs from small scale to large car showrooms.

APRO is one of Unilead demand products and has successfully influenced hundreds of small and large APRO showrooms across Punjab and India.

Key Features


-Time saving,

-Complete GST Ready Software,

-Exporting of various reports to MS Word, MS Excel, Pdf, And Acrobat etc.,

-Module Separation Feature,

-Highly Compatible with all Windows version,

-Highest security at User Level, Module Level & Form Level,

-Complete Financial Accounting/Inventory Management and Transportation,

-Removes maintaining so many register’s,

-Consistent storage of data,

-Standard and timely reports/bills/receipts etc.

-No need of special training program, anyone can learn within few interactions, and many more.